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                                           Date  :10.06.2009




To  All the Units of all the Constituents of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions.


Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Union had its meeting at New Delhi on 8.6.09 and 9.6.09.


After taking the views of the representatives of all the constituents present in the meeting, Joint Forum

decided the following action programmes to resolve the issues mentioned below :




1.   Pension  and PF in RRB in line with the Banking Industry.

2.   Parity of service conditions in  RRBs in line with sponsor Banks

3.   Proper Manpower Planning, New Recruitment and Promotion in RRBs

4.   Formation of  Apex level Negotiating Forum for RRBs.

Programmes :-


1.   Formation of State level Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions

2.   Letter of requests to resolve the issues by each staff of each RRB to Hon’ble Finance Minister,

     G.O.I.-by 15th July 2009  ( by printed postcard )

3.   Continuous Campaign.

4.   Meeting with Chairman, NABARD.

5.   Meeting with Finance Minister, G.O.I. during budget session.

6.   Meeting with Senior Executives of Banking Department, Ministry of Finance, G.O.I.


Each constituent of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions will arrange for printing of post card ( model letter

is being sent ) through its State Federation or Units & send it to each of this members with a request to sign

and send it to the Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Government of India, North Block , New Delhi.






General Secretary    General Secretary    General Secretary      

AIRRBEA                           AIRRBOF                     AIGBEA 


General Secretary    General Secretary

    AIGBEC                           AIGBOA  


General Secretary                President

     AIGBOC                              NCRRBE






(Model copy of the letter to be printed in the post card,  to be  signed  by each member of each RRBs and to be sent to Finance Minister, Government of India, North Block , New Delhi.)




The Hon’ble Finance Minister,

Government of India,

New Delhi-110 001



Re: Superannuation benefits and other issues for Officers and

       Workmen of RRBs.



Respected Sir,


We sincerely urge upon you to settle the following major issues of 70000 workforce of RRBs:


1.    Pension  and PF in RRB in line with the Banking Industry.

2.    Parity of service conditions in  RRBs in line with sponsor Banks

3.    Proper Manpower Planning, New Recruitment and Promotion in RRBs

4.    Formation of  Apex level Negotiating Forum for RRBs


Kindly use your good offices to settle the aforesaid issues at the earliest.


With regards

Yours truly,



RRB Br----------




                                                                      Camp: New Delhi
CIRCULAR                                                  Date: 11.03. 2008

All Units of All Constituents,
Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions.

Dear Comrade,

The Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions held meeting in New Delhi on 11th March 2008. After day long deliberation it was observed that instead of resolving the four point Charter of demands topped with the issue of parity in PF/Pension. The Finance Minister is out to destabilize the existing banking facility in rural area by allowing 100% Foreign Direct Investment setting up Greenfield Rural Bank. On the face of such fierce attack on the work force of RRB, Joint Forum observed that one day strike on 31st March 2008 is not sufficient to protest the onslaught stronger programmes are to be taken for resolution of the issues with prime focus in parity of PF and Pension.

Joint Forum also condemned the move of the Chairman, Bihar Khetriya Gramin Bank, Monghyr to dismiss principal office bearers of the constituent units of Joint Forum in this bank on trade union issues. It was also resolved to fight the attack by Joint Forum at all levels.

It was unanimously resolved that we must heighten our campaign and mobilization programmes and observe strike for 3(three) days continuously.

It was therefore resolved that:-
i)     One day strike on 31st March 2008 stands modified.
ii)     The letter to Prime Minister as per format already circulated should be sent by 15th April 2008 by the members of all the units of the constituents of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Units.
iii)     Three day strike shall be observed on 16th , 17th and 18th June 2008 in all RRBs  of the country.

Leaders of the Joint Forum shall meet on 28th, 29th and 30th April 2008 in New Delhi and do prepatory works including political mobilization.

All constituent Units must ensure that all the members send the letters to Prime Minister, make all preparations including postering and campaign for historic 3 days strike and to make the joint programmes a total success. Bank level and State level Joint Forum should be formed.

Yours comradely
Dilip Kumar Mukherjee    
General Secretary

GS, AIRRBEA                    GS, AIRRBOF 

GS, AIGBEA                        GS, AIGBEC

Secretary                          President
AIGBOA                            AIGBOC    




Ref.No.39/ JFGBU                                                                               
Date: 29.11.2007
All the Units of
All the constituents of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions.
Dear Comrade,
Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions warmly congratulates all its units for massive participation in the Dharna Programme at New Delhi on 27th November 2007 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions firmly believes that with the sincere involvement of all the members of all the constituents, strike on 10th & 11th January 2008 will also be equally a grand success to show our unity and conviction. 
Com. Smt. Amarjit Kaur, Secy, All India Trade Union Congress inaugurated our Dharna with her illuminative speech and in her speech she fully assured the forum to extend all the support of AITUC in all its struggles.
The Dharna Programme was attended and addressed by the following Hon’ble Speakers:
1.       Com. D. Raja, Secretary, CPI and Member of Parliament;
2.       Com. Basudeb Acharia, M.P. Leader of CPI(M), Lok Sabha;
3.       Shri D. Debarajan, Secy, All India Forward Block;
4.       Com. Santosree Chatterjee, Vice President, CITU and M.P.;
5.       Com. T. K. Hamza, M.P.;
6.       Com. L. Nambadan, M.P.;
7.       Com. Sunil Khan, M.P.;
8.       Com. Abu Ayesh Mondal, M.P.;
9.       Com. P. Ravindran, M.P.;
10.   Shri Mohan Singh, M.P.;
11.   Shri Sudhakar Reddy, M.P.;
12.   Shri Harikebal Prasad, M.P.
13.   Com. Ajit Pasa, M.P.
14.   Com. Ramanand, Joint Secretary, AIBEA
15.   Shri K. K. Nair, GS, INBOC 
16.   Com. Harvinder Singh, DGS, AIBOC
17.   Com. D. P. Bharadraj, BEFI
18.   Com. G. P. Sharma, President, AIBEA, Delhi State
All the above speakers expressed their solidarity to the issues and programmes of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions and assured in univocal tune that they would extend all possible support at all the forums including Parliament in support of the demands of the forum. 
On behalf of the Forum, the Convener requested the leaders from the Left Parties present at the Dharna Programme to ensure their effective pressure on the UPA Govt. for settling the issues. It was suggested that a meeting with Chairperson, UPA be fixed on the issues of Forum with the help of Left Parties immediately.
It was also suggested by the Joint Forum before the leaders of UFBU to include the demands of RRB Staff as raised by the Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions.
Convener, JFGBU read out the letter expressing the solidarity by the Convener UFBU addressed to the Convener, JFGBU. The Forum expressed its thanks to UFBU.
The Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions unanimously decided in its meeting on 27th November 2007 at 6 p.m. that:-
  1. Every effort should be made by all the constituents to make the 10th – 11th January 2008 Strike a complete success.
  2. Campaign programme along with massive Postering and Press Conference should be done by all the constituents at the unit level to make the strike a grand success.
  3. In each District T.U. convention will be held jointly by constituents unit on our four demands with invitation to and in presence of Member of Parliament, MLA, Representative of Zilla Parisad and local T.U. leaders from all sectors including Banks and Insurance. (by 31st December 2007)
  4. At the RRB level, memorandum as submitted by JFGBU will be submitted by all the units of the constituents of the forum at the respective RRB to the Finance Minister,GOI through the Chairman of the respective RRB(by 31st December 2007)
  5. From 3rd to 5th January 2008, President and Gen. Secretary of all the Apex level constituents will stay at Delhi to meet all the political leaders & to ensure meeting with i) Chairperson, UPA ii) Prime Minister,GOI and iii) Finance Minister,GOI.
  6. To ensure awareness of the issues & programmes, all out efforts are to be taken by all the Units of all the constituents before strike programme (e.g. printing of leaflet detailing the issues, shouting “Slogan” before and after office hour or during lunch hour etc.)
  7. For realization of common demands, AIGBWO and AIGBOO would also be requested by the constituents of Joint Forum at the base level to join this programme in the larger interest of the RRB staff as a whole. JFGBU has already requested AIGBWO / AIGBOO to join this forum.
With greetings,
Yours comradely
General Secretary     General Secretary    General Secretary       General Secretary
   GS, AIRRBEA              AIRRBOF                AIGBEA                      AIGBEC

General Secretary            General Secretary                President
     AIGBOA                             AIGBOC                       NCRRB
Meeting of the Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions held at New Delhi
on 26.11.2007 at 2 p.m. and 27.11.2007 at 6 p.m.
Participants present:
  1. Shri D. N. Trivedi, AIGBOA  
  2. Shri V. Belaram, AIGBEA
  3. Shri B. N. Dubey, NCRRBE
  4. Shri B. P. Singh, AIRRBOF
  5. Shri S. K. Bhattacharjee, AIRRBOF
  6. Shri Dilip Kumar Mukherjee , AIRRBEA
  7. Shri Ajit Ghosh, AIRRBEA
  8. Shri Krishna Singh, AIGBOC
  9. Shri B. Ramesh, AIGBEA 
In the meeting on 26th November 2007 Com. D. N. Trivedi took the chair.
All the prepatory jobs for conducting the Dharna successfully were discussed and approved. The meeting was adjourned till 27th November, 2007.
On 27th November 2007 after conducting successful Dharna, JFGBU resumed its meeting at Hotel Kabeer at 5.30 p.m. Com.
D. N. Trivedi took the Chair.
The leaders of JFGBU reviewed the implementation of Dharna programme and found it grand success.
JFGBU also extended thanks to all speakers and participants. After thread bare discussion held among representatives of constituent units, it was unanimously decided that:-
  1. Every effort should be made by all the constituents to make the 10th – 11th January 2008 Strike a complete success.
  2. Campaign programme along with massive Postering and Press Conference should be done by all the constituents at the unit level to make the strike a grand success.
  3. In each District T.U. convention will be held jointly by constituents unit on our four demands with invitation to and in presence of Member of Parliament, MLA, Representative of Zilla Parisad and local T.U. leaders from all sectors including Banks and Insurance. (by 31st December 2007)
  4. At the RRB level, memorandum as submitted by JFGBU will be submitted by all the units of the constituents of the forum at the respective RRB to the Finance Minister,GOI through the Chairman of the respective RRB(by 31st December 2007)
  5. From 3rd to 5th January 2008, President and Gen. Secretary of all the Apex level constituents will stay at Delhi to meet all the political leaders & to ensure meeting with i) Chairperson, UPA ii) Prime Minister,GOI and iii) Finance Minister,GOI.
  6. To ensure awareness of the issues & programmes, all out efforts are to be taken by all the Units of all the constituents before strike programme (e.g. printing of leaflet detailing the issues, shouting “Slogan” before and after office hour or during lunch hour etc.)
  7. For realization of common demands, AIGBWO and AIGBOO would also be requested by the constituents of Joint Forum at the base level to join this programme in the larger interest of the RRB staff as a whole.
The meeting ended with thanks to the Chair.
D. N. Trivedi
President of the Meeting
  Updated on 28th April 2008 by TOM CHETTRY  
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