Promotion Rules
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Government of India

Ministry of Finance

Department of Economic Affairs

(Banking Division)



Dated the 29-07-1998




In the exercise of the powers conferred by section 29 of the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 (21 of 1976) read with section 17 thereof and in super session of the Regional rural Banks (Appointment and Promotion of Officers and Other Employees) Rules, 1988 except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such super session the Central Government, after consultation with the National Bank and the Sponsor Banks specified in the Second Schedule to these rules, hereby makes the following rules, namely:-



Short title and commencement.


These rules may be called the Regional Rural Banks (Appointment and Promotion of Officers and other Employees) Rules, 1988.




They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.


2. Definitions:- In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,---


a.) “Act” means the Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 (21of 1976);

b.) “Banking services by any of the public sector banks in collaboration amongst themselves of the purpose of selection of candidates for appointment to various posts in the said banks and any reference to a banking services Recruitment Board in these rules shall mean the Banking services Recruitment Board having jurisdiction for the time being over the region concerned.


Explanation: In these rules “Public Sector Banks” shall have the same  meaning as is assigned to it under clause (i) of section 2 of the Banking services commission Act, 1984 (44 of 1984 );


C) “Committee” means the staff Selection Committee constituted by the Board under rule 11 of these rules;


D) “Regional Rural Banks (Staff) Service Regulation” means the Staff Service Regulation, for the time being in force of the Regional Rural Banks made under section 30 of the Act;


E) “Schedule” means any one of the Schedules to these rules;


F) “Sponsor Bank” in relation to Regional Rural bank specified in column (2) of the second Schedule;


G) All other words and expressions used in these rules and not defined but defined in the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.


3. Category of posts – (1) The post of officers and other employees in each Regional rural Bank shall be classified as follows;

                   a) Group “A”

                   b) Group “B”

                   c) Group “C”


(2.) Group “A”, Group “B” and Group “C” shall consist of officers and other employees, of each Regional bank specified in the first Schedule to these rules.


4. Creation of posts- The Board of Directors of each Regional Rural Bank may, in consultation with its Sponsor Bank, create such number of posts as are specified in the First Schedule to these rules form time to time.


5. Vacancies – The Board, may in consultation with its Sponsor Bank determine the number of vacancies in each category of posts to be filled keeping in view, the guidelines issued by central Government from time to time.


6. Filling up of vacancies - All vacancies, determined under rule 5 be the Board shall be filled by promotion or direct recruitment in accordance with the provisions contained in these rules and third Schedule to these rules.


7. Appointing authority – The chairman of each Regional Rural bank shall be the Appointing Authority in respect of all posts in the bank:


8. Direct recruitment – The vacancies of officers and other employees shall be filled by each Regional Rural bank in accordance with the provisions of Third Schedule to these rules and subject to such guidelines as may be issued by the Central Government from time to time.


9.  Agency for direct recruitment – 1.) The selection of candidates by direct recruitment to the posts of officers and employees other than those of messenger, messenger-cum-sweeper, shall be entrusted to banking service Recruitment Board 2.) The Banking Service Recruitment Boards shall follow the procedure laid down under rule 8.


10. Recruitment to the posts of messenger, messenger-cum- sweeper,  driver, driver- cum-messenger and security guard- 1.) The posts of messenger, messenger-cum-sweeper (full or part time) driver, driver-cum-messenger, security guard shall be filled in by the committee of the Regional Rural Banks after making a reference to the Employment Exchange, Sainik Board or other agencies catering to the welfare of schedule caste/Scheduled Tribes, Physically handicapped persons or other category of persons as are recognized by the central Government or the state Government having jurisdiction over the Regional Rural Bank filling the posts:


          Provided that preference shall be given to candidates belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in accordance with the instruction or guidelines issued by the Central Government.


2.) No candidate other than those sponsored by the Employment Exchange, Sainik Board or other agencies referred to in sub-rule (1) above shall be called for interview.


11. Constitution of Committee- 1) The Board may, from time to time, constitute committees consisting of the persons specified under each post in the Third schedule for the purpose of selecting candidates for recruitment or promotion to the posts referred to in the Third Schedule.


   2) The committee shall function for such period as may be determined by the Board


   3) The Committee shall select the candidates for recruitment or promotion to the posts mentioned in the Third schedule to these rules, in accordance with the provisions contained in that Schedule.


   4) The Committee shall after selection of candidates under sub rule (3) recommend to the Board the candidates selected by it for consideration for recruitment or promotion as the case may be, to the posts mentioned in the third Schedule to these rules.


12. Reservation – There shall be reservation of posts for the Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes, other backward classes and other categories of persons in such proportion as may be specified by the central Government from time to time.


First Schedule

(See rule 3)



Serial No.

Description of posts



Scale III Officer

Group ‘A’


Scale II Officer

Group ‘A’


Scale I Officer

Group ‘A’



Group ‘B’



Group ‘B’



Group ‘B’



Group ‘C’



Group ‘C’



Group ‘C’


Messenger-cum-sweeper (Full time)

Group ‘C’


Messenger- cum sweeper (Part time)

Group ‘C’



Security Guard

Group ‘C’


Second Schedule

(Name of the all regional Banks)


Third Schedule

(See rule 6)


Appointment to different categories of officers and other employees to Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ posts whether by direct recruitment or by promotion shall be effected as follows:



Name of Post


Scale III Officer





Group ‘A’



Source of Appointment


100% by promotion



Whether promotion to be made on seniority basis or seniority – cum- merit basis


Promotion shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-merit





Officers holding post for seven years in scale II on regular basis in the Regional Rural bank shall be considered for promotion to scale III post in that bank:


Provide further that the Board may, with the prior approval of national bank, relax the qualifying service for a period not exceeding two years, if eligible officers are not available.



Note: I. The senior Managers / Area Managers / Officers in scale-II eligible for promotion, to the post of General Manager/ Officer Scale III on or before the publication of this notification shall continue to be considered for promotion to scale III officer post.


          II. The service of the incumbents, who are holding the post eligible for promotion before publication of this notification, shall continue to be counted for the purpose of promotion to the Scale III officer post.


Mode of selection


The selection of the candidates shall be made by the committee on the basis of interview ad assessment of performance appraisal Reports for the preceding five years as an officer in scale II post.


Composition of Committee


The committee (for considering promotion) shall consist of the following persons, namely


I)             The director chairman of the concerned by the sponsor bank-chairman


III)           A director nominated by the sponsor bank-Member


III)       A director nominated by the National Bank-Member


Note: If none of the members of the committee belongs to scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes, the Board may nominate a person belonging to Schedule Caste or Schedule Tribe as an additional member and such person shall participate in the process of selection by the concerned committee.


















Reckoning of the minimum eligibility

: `

The minimum eligibility in terms of the number of years of service for promotion shall be reckoned as on the 1st April of the year in which the vacancy is expected to arise of has actually arisen.


Numbering of candidates to be considered for promotion


The number of candidates to be considered for promotion from Officer Scale II to Officer scale III shall be restricted to three times the number of vacancies available for promotion.


Selection Process


The selection shall be on the basis of performance in the interview and Performance appraisal reports for preceding five years a per the division of marks given below:




25 marks

The minimum qualifying marks in the interview are fifty percent.


Performance Appraisal Report


75 marks

Performance Appraisal Reports for the preceding five years shall be considered for the purpose of awarding marks for promotion.


Total marks





Name of post


Scale II Officer





Group ‘A’



Source of appointment


100% by promotion



Whether promotion to be made on seniority basis or seniority-cum-basis.


Promotion shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-merit.





Officers holding post for either years as an officer on regular basis in the Regional Rural Bank shall be considered for promotion in scale II post in that Bank:

 Provided that no officer shall be considered for promotion unless he has been confirmed in the feeder grade post:

 Provided further that the Board may, with the prior approval National Bank, relax the qualifying service for a period not exceeding two years, if eligible officers are not available.



Note: I) The officers eligible for promotion to the post of Area managers/ Senior Managers/Officers Scale II on or before publication of this notification, shall continue to be considered for promotion to scale II officer post.


          II) The service of the incumbents, who are holding the post eligible for promotion before publication of this notification, shall continue to be counted for the purpose of promotion to the scale II officer post.



Mode of Selection


The selection of the candidate shall be made by the committee on the basis of written test, interview and assessment of Performance appraisal reports for the preceding five years as an officer in scale-I /Field supervisor.


Composition of committee


The committee ( for considering promotion) shall consist of the following persons, namely-


i)                The Chairman of the concerned Regional Rural Bank – Chairman


iii)             A director nominated by the sponsor Bank – Member


iii)        A director nominated by the national Bank – Member


Note: If none of the members of the committee belongs to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, the Board may nominate a person belonging to Scheduled caste/Scheduled Tribes as an additional member and such person shall participate in the process of selection by the concede Committee.



Reckoning of the minimum



The minimum eligibility in term of the number of years of service for promotion shall be reckoned as on the 1st April of the year in which the vacancy is expected to arise or has actually arisen


Number of candidates to be considered for promotion


The number of candidates to be considered for promotion from officer scale II shall be restricted to four times the number of vacancies available for promotion.


Selection process for promotion


The selection shall be on the basis of Performance in the written test, ;interview and performance appraisal reports for preceding five years as per the division of marks given bellow:



Written test


60 Marks




20 Marks





20 Marks


Total marks


100 Marks









Written test

( 60 marks)


The candidates shall be require to appear for written test comprising of two parts viz.

Part (A) covering banking law and Practice of banking and part (B) covering Credit Policy credit management including Priority sector, Economics management.


60 Marks allotted to written test shall be further divided as under:


Part ‘A’         30 Marks

Part ‘B’         30 Marks


A list of only those candidates who secure a minimum of 40% marks in each part shall be prepared and such candidates shall be called for interview.


Interview (20marks)


There shall be no minimum qualifying marks for the interview



Performance appraisal reports (20 marks)


Performance Appraisal Reports for the preceding five years shall be considered for the purpose of awarding marks for promotion.


a) Name of the post


Scale I officer



b) Classification




c)   Source of appointment


50% by direct recruitment through Banking Service Recruitment Board and 50% by promotion.


d) Whether promotion to be made on seniority basis or seniority-cum-merit basis


Promotions shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-merit.


e) Eligibility




For Direct Recruits




i) Qualification and eligibility for direct recruits


i)             Degree of recognized university in any discipline or its equivalent;

ii)            ii)  Proficiency in local language as may be laid down by the board.


ii) Age


Between 18 years and 26 years (relaxable in case of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe candidates or candidates belonging to other categories in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by the Central Government.)


For promotees :








Promotion shall be made amongst employees holding the post in Group ‘B’ post on regular basis in the concerned Regional Rural Bank and who possess following qualifications and experience, namely:-


i)             A) Must have passed Matriculation or Senior School Certificate Examination or equivalent examination or Bachelor’s degree examination or equivalent from a recognized University; and


B) Must have 10 years experience in the concerned Regional Rural Bank as a Group’B’ employee.


A) Must have passed Matriculation or Senior School Certificate or equivalent examination or Bachelor’s degree examination or equivalent examination from a recognized university; and

B) Must have passed Part I examination of certificate of Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers examination; and


ii)         C) Must have eight years experience in the concerned Rural Bank as Group ‘B’ employee.


iii)        A) Must have passed Matriculation or Senior School Certificate examination or equivalent or Bachelor’s degree examination or equivalent from a recognized university or equivalent and

iii)           B) Must have passed part I and part II examinations of the certificate of Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers Examination; and


v)            C) Must have six years experience in the concerned Regional Rural Bank as a Group’B’ employee :


Provided that no employee shall be considred for promotion unless he has been confirmed in the feeder grade post.



Note: I. The incumbents eligible for promotion on or before the   publication of this notification shall continue to be considered for promotion to Scale I officer post.


           II. The service of the incumbents, who are holding the post eligible for promotion before publication of this notification shall continue to be counted for the purpose of promotion to Scale I officer post.



 Mode of Selection


i)             In the case of direct recruitment, the selection of candidates shall be made by the Banking Service Recruitment Board on the basis of written test and interview and in accordance with the procedure specified by them.




ii)            In the case of promotion, the selection of the candidates shall be made by the Committee on the basis of written test, interview and performance appraisal reports.


Composition of Committee


The Committee (for considering promotion) shall consist of the following persons,



i)             The Chairman of the concerned Regional Rural bank – Chairman


iii)           A director nominated by the sponsor bank – Member


iii)       A director nominated by National Bank – Member



Note: If none of the members of the Committee belongs to Scheduled Castes ad Scheduled Tribes the Board may nominate a person belonging to Scheduled
Castes / Scheduled Tribes as an additional member and such person shall participate in the process of selection by the concerned Committee.



Reckoning of the minimum eligibility


The minimum eligibility in term of the number of years of service for promotion shall be reckoned as on the 1st April of the year in which the vacancy is expected to arise or has actually arisen.


Number of candidates to be considered for promotion




All eligible candidates shall be considered for promotion.



Selection process for promotees



The selection shall be on the basis of performance in the written test, interview and five years Performance Appraisal Reports as per the division of marks given below:-



A) Written Test


70 marks


B)   Interview


20 marks


C)Performance Appraisal Reports


10 marks


Total Marks


100 marks


Written Test (70 marks)


The candidates shall be required to appear for written test comprising test in English and test in Banking Law, practice and procedures including working procedures in the Regional Rural Bank Concerned.                     




70 marks allotted to written test shall be further divided as under :-

English                 35 marks

Banking Law

Practice and          35 marks


   Total Marks       70 marks




A list of only those candidates who secure a minimum of 40% marks each in English, Banking Law, practice and procedures shall be prepared. The Bank, thereafter, shall prepare the list of selected candidates in the order of seniority to the extent of two hundred per cent of the vacancies for promotion for the purpose of calling for interview.


Interview (20) marks


There shall be no minimum qualifying marks in the interview.


Assessment of Performance Appraisal Report


The performance Appraisal Reports for the preceding three years of the concerned employees shall be considered.


a) Name of the post





b) Classification


Group ’B’


c) Source of appointment


90% by direct recruitment; and 10% by promotion


d) Whether promotion to be made o seniority basis or seniority-cum-merit basis




Promotion shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-merit.


For Direct Recruits:




i) Qualification and eligibility for direct recruitment


i) a) Degree from a recognized University in any discipline of its equivalent : or




b) Pass with 50% marks in aggregate in Higher Secondary Examination of 10+2+3 pattern / XI standard of 11 + 3 patter / pre-degree or intermediate or any equivalent examination;




c) Diploma in Banking recognized by Central/State Governments or union territory or




d)   Pass with minimum 60% mark in aggregate in matriculation / Senior School Certificate (Old pattern) / or equivalent;









ii)            Must possess a minimum tying speed of thirty words per minute in English an Twenty five words per minute in Hindi or official language of the State, as the case may be ; and




iii)           Proficiency in local language as may be laid down by the Banking Service Recruitment Board; and




iv)           Knowledge of English language.


Note: The qualifications relating to speed in typing may be relaxed by five words per minute in the case of Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe Candidates.





Between 18 years and 26 years ( relaxable in case of Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes candidates or candidates belonging to other categories in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by the Central Government).


For Promotees:




Qualifications and Eligibility for promotees


Promotion shall be made from among the employees holding, on full time ad regular basis, the post of messenger, messenger-cum-sweeper, driver, driver-cum-messenger or security guard,---

a) for a period of 8 years; and  

b) who have passed 8th Class examination:

Provided that no employee shall be considered for promotion unless he has been confirmed in feeder grade post:

Provided further that the board may with the prior approval of Sponsor Bank, relax the qualifying service for a period not exceeding two years, if eligible candidates are not available.     


Note: I. The incumbents eligible for promotion on or before the publication of this notification shall continue to be considered for promotion to the above post.

          II. The service of the incumbents who are holding the posts eligible for promotion before publication of this notification shall continue to be counted for the purpose of promotion to the clerk-cum-cashier/clerk-cum-typist post.



Mode of Selection


i)                   In the case of direct recruitment, the selection of candidates shall be made by the Banking Service Recruitment Board on the basis of written test ad interview and in accordance with the procedure specified by them.

ii)                In the case of promotion, the selection of the candidates shall be made by the Committee on the basis of written test and interview. The incumbents for the post of clerk-cum-typist shall have to pass skill test typing speed required for direct recruitment.




The Committee (for considering promotion) shall consist of the following persons, namely:-

i)                   The Chairman of the concerned Regional Rural Bank or in his absence the General Manager in the bank --- chairman

ii)                Two Senior most officers of the concerned Regional Rural Bank or in their absence two officers nominated by the Board of that Bank --- Members

iii)              A director nominated by the National Bank --- Member



Note: If none of the members of the committee belongs to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the Board may nominate a person belonging to the Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes as an additional member and such persons shall participate in the process of selection by the concerned Committee.



Reckoning of minimum eligibility



The minimum eligibility in terms of the number of years of service for promotion shall be reckoned as on the 1st April of the year in which the vacancy is expected to arise of has actually arisen.


Number of candidates to be considered for promotion




The number of candidates to be considered for the written test from Group ‘C’ cadre to Group ‘B’ cadre shall normally be restricted to four times the number of vacancies available for promotion.


Selection process for promotees



 The Selection shall be on the basis of performance in the written test ad interview as per the division of marks, given below:


A) Written Test


80 Marks


B) Interview



20 Marks


     Total Marks


100 Marks


A) Written Test

      (80 Marks)


The candidates shall be required of appear for a written test consisting of test in English and Arithmetic. 80 marks allotted to the written test shall be further divided as under:

i)   English                          40 Marks

ii) Arithmetic                     40 Marks


     Total marks                  80 Marks

A list of candidates who secure a minimum 40% marks, each in English and Arithmetic, will be prepared and only, such candidates shall be call for interview.



Interview (20 marks)



There shall be no minimum qualifying marks in the interview.


a) Name of the             post





b) Classification


Group ‘B’


c) Source of appointment


By promotion failing which by direct recruitment.



d) Whether promotion to be made on seniority basis or seniority-cum-merit bass




Promotions shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-merit


e) Eligibility




For direct recruits




i) Qualification and eligibility for direct recruitment




i)                   a) Degree from a recognized university in any discipline or its equivalent or

b)     Pass with 50% marks in aggregate in Higher Secondary Examination of 10+2+3 pattern / XI standard of 11+3 pattern / pre degree of intermediate or any equivalent examination; or

c)      Diploma in Banking recognize by Central/State Government or Union territory; or

d)     Pass with minimum 60% marks in aggregate in Matriculation / Senior School
Certificate Examination (old pattern) or equivalent; and

ii)                A minimum typing speed of forty words per minute in English and thirty five words per minute in Hindi or official language of the State as the case may be; and

iii)              Must possess minimum speed of 100 words per minutes for stenography in English and 80 words per minute stenography in Hindi or the official language of the state is the case may; and

iv)              Proficiency in local language as may be laid down by the Board.



Note : The qualifications relating to speed in typing may be relaxed by five words per minute in regard to paying and ten words per minute in regard to stenography in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes Candidates.





Between 18 years and 26 years (relaxable in the case of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes candidates or candidates belonging to other categories in accordance with the instructions / orders issued by the central Government)





B) For Promotees:


Qualificationn for promotees


Promotion shall be made from among the employees holding on full time and regular basis, the post of driver, driver-cum-messenger, messenger, messenger-cum-sweeper or security guard,-


a)     for period of 8 years;

b)    who possess qualifications an eligibility specified for direct recruits.


Provided that no employee shall be considered for promotion unless he has been confirmed in the feeder grade post:


Provided further that the Board may, with the prior approval of sponsor Bank relax the qualifying service for a period not exceeding two years, if eligible candidates are not available.




Note: I. The incumbents eligible for promotion on or before the publication of this notification shall continue to be considered for promotion to the above post.


           II . The service of the incumbents, who are holding the posts eligible for promotion before publication of this notification shall continue to be counted for the purpose of promotion to the stenographer post.



Model of selection


i)                   In the case of direct recruitment the selection of candidates shall be made by the Banking service recruitment Board on the basis of written test and interview and in accordance with the procedure specified by them.

ii)                In the case of promotion the selection of the candidates shall be made by the committee on the basis of written test and interview.




The committee (for considering promotion) shall consist of the following persons, Namely:-


i)                   The Chairman of the concerned Regional Rural Bank or in his absence the General Manager in that bank- Chairman

ii)                Two senior-most officers of the concerned regional Rural bank or in their absence two officers nominated by the board of that Bank- Member

iii)              A director nominated by the National Bank-Member.


Note: If none of the members of the committee belongs to scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes the Board may nominate a person belonging to the Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribes as an additional member and such person shall participate in the process of selection by the concerned Committee.



Reckoning of the minimum eligibility


The minimum eligibility in terms of the number of years of service for promotion shall be reckoned as on the 1st April of the year in which the vacancy is expected to arise or has actually arisen.


Number of candidates to be considered for promotion


The member of candidates to be considered for the written test form Group ‘c’ cadre to Group ‘B’ cadre shall normally be restricted to four times the number of vacancies available for promotion.


Selection process for promotees


The selection shall be on the basis of performance in the written test and interview as per the division of marks given below:-


A) Written test               : 80 Marks

B) Interview                   : 20 Marks

       Total Marks           : 100 Marks         


Written test

( 90marks)


The candidates shall be required to appear for written test consisting of test in English and Arithmetic, 80 marks allotted to the written test shall be further divided as under:

 I. English             40 Marks

 II. Arithmetic       40 Marks

       Total Marks     80 Marks


 A list of candidates who secure a minimum of 40% marks, each in English and Arithmetic will be prepared and only such candidates shall be called for interview.


Interview (20 Marks)


There shall be no minimum qualifying marks in the interview.




Name of the post


Driver, Driver-cum-messenger





Group ‘c’



Source of recruitment


100% by direct recruitment



Qualification and Eligibility


i)                   VIII Standard pass from a school recognized by Government;

ii)                Possessing a valid driving license for motor cars or jeep; and

iii)              Experience for two years of driving cars or jeep.





Between 18 years and 26 years ( relaxation in the case of scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes candidates or candidates belonging to other categories in accordance with the instruction/ orders issued by the central Government)



Mode of selection


The selection of the candidates shall be made by the committee of the basis of :


i)                   driving test to be conducted by the agency specified by the committee;

ii)                Interview by the committee.



Composition of Committee


The Committee for selecting candidates by direct recruitment shall consist of following persons, namely:-


i)                   The Chairman of the concerned regional rural bank or in his absence the General Manager in the Bank – Chairman

ii)                Two senior most officers in the regional Rural Bank or in their absence tow officers nominated by the Board of that Bank- Members

Note: If none of the members of the committee belongs to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes the Board may nominate an officer of the Regional Rural Bank belonging to the Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes as an additional member and such person shall participate in the process of selection by the concerned Committee.




Name of the post


Messenger, Messenger-cum-sweeper ( Full or part time ) and Security guard.





Group ‘C’



Source of recruitment


 100% by direct recruitment.



Qualifications and eligibility


VIII Standard pass from a school recognized by Government.





Between 18 years and 26 years ( relaxation in the case of scheduled castes/scheduled tribes candidates or candidates belonging to other categories in accordance with the instruction/orders issued by the central Government.)



Mode of selection


The Selection of the candidates shall be made by the committee on the basis of interview.





The committee for selecting candidates shall consist of the following persons, namely :-

I)   The Chairman of the concerned Regional Rural Bank or in his absence the General manager of that bank-Chairman

II)               Two senior most officer of the regional rural bank or in their absence two officers nominated by the Board-members

III)            A director nominated by the National bank -member








Note: If none of the members of the committee belongs to scheduled castes/Scheduled tribe, the Board may nominate an officer of the Regional Rural Bank belonging to the scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes as an additional member and such persons shall participate in the process of selection by the concerned committee.





Joint Secretary to the Government of India

Note: The principal rules were published under S.O. 895 (E) dated 28-09-88.



The Assistant Manager,

Government of India press,

Maya Puri Industrial Area,

Ring Road, New Delhi.

  Updated on 28th April 2008 by TOM CHETTRY  
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