CirculICircular No.53 Dated : 12 Jun 2009
ARRBEA meets Finance Minister, Govt. of India
Com. Dilip Kumar Mukherjee, GS, AIRRBEA along with Com. Banawarilal, AGS AIRRBEA has met Sri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Govt. of India at his residence, New Delhi on 10thJune 2009 at about 10 P.M. The main issue discussed with him was
1..Parity of Pension of RRB staff in line with Pension Scheme in Banking Industry
We submitted the detailed historical background of this issue along with direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court & Tribunal Award Award and the latest development with appointment of Actuary by GOI through NABARD.
Hon’ble Finance Minister has gone through each and every line of our Memorandum meticulously and wanted to know from us as to whether IBA has got any role to play in this regard and if there is any legal bottleneck. We explained in clear terms that GOI, as an Employer can very well extend “Parity of Pension Benefit simply by administrative order”. Hon’ble Finance Minister assured us to consider it sympathetically and take appropriate decision after consulting the Banking Division.
Formation of National Rural Bank with State Level RRB under it. Delink RRB from Sponsor Bank
2. Adequate manpower to face the increased workload for core business and implementation of
NREGA, old age pension etc schemes with reference to number of A/c, voucher and beneficiaries- Minimum three promotions to each RRB staff during his entire service career- if & where not possible- to offer automatic switch over to higher pay scale to workman also like sponsor bank to “Special Assistant” or other wise after a fixed tenure of service in SBI. Promotion Rule should be amended accordingly. Thorat committee recommendation should be reviewed denovo with particular reference to “Categorisation of branch” and “assessment of manpower” in the changed perspective of Social sector schemes where the R.R.B.s are to play a vital role for “inclusive growth”.
RRBs, being poor man’s bank at his doorstep should be exempted from Income Tax.
Exemption was there as provision of the Act for the RRBs & Cooperative Banks
4.Extention of capital support to the extent of accumulated loss of some RRBs- as one time measure.
G.S. AIRRBEA meets Minister of State for Rural Development, GOI
G.S., AIRRBEA has met Sri Pradeep Jain, Hon’ble Minister for State for Rural Devp., GOI in his office at New Delhi on 10th June 2009 and placed the following issues:
- To issue appropriate order for parking the Government funds under NREGEA and other Central Schemes with RRBs also since the RRBs play a vital role in the disbursement of wages to individual beneficiary under such schemes.
- Let the Ministry of Rural Development, GOI allow service charge to the extent of 3% to the RRBs which handle NREGEA Accounts and other such schemes or otherwise it would be impossible for the RRBs to attend both the regular customers and beneficiaries under the Government Schemes with the present staff strength & single counter.
- Let the Ministry of Finance be requested to consider no. of beneficiaries, no. of Accounts also while assessing the manpower in the RRBs.
We are separately issuing the circulars issued by Jt. Forum of Grameen Bank Unions as decided in the meeting of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions at New Delhi on 8th & 9th June 2009.
i) Our State Federations are requested to contact the State Federations of other constituents of Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions in their respective State and to form State Level Joint Forum of Gramin Bank Unions as formed at the Apex level. In the States where we are majority, we should take the lead and get it formed by 15th July, 2009.
ii) Our each State Federation will arrange for printing of Post Card as per model given in the Circular and send it to each unit immediately. Cost may be reimbursed by the Unit, if and where, necessary.
If and where the State Federation is not having immediate sufficient fund to get it done, Units of such States will have to undertake the responsibility for printing of such postcard.
iii) Each Unit should send the printed postcard to each member of AIRRBEA and Units will have to ensure that such printed post cards addressed to Finance Minister are duly signed by each staff member of AIRRBEA and sent to the Finance Minister.
iv) The entire operation must be completed by 15th July 2009
v) The Model letter for printing of postcard may be translated in Hindi and printed accordingly
Issues and programs as decided in the last meeting of the Working Committee of AIRRBEA at Kolkata on 7th Jun 2009 has been circulated vide our Circular No. 52 Dated 08-06-09
i. Each Unit affiliated to AIRRBEA will arrange for immediate contact with new Members of Parliament immediately at his residence or in a meeting to be arranged by our Unit in his honour or otherwise.
ii. Our letter addressed to the Member of Parliament may kindly be submitted to Hon’ble Members of Parliament in the service area of each RRB and explain the issues to the M.P. so that the Members of Parliament get fully convinced with our issues and send their views with a forwarding letter or in a separate letter detailing our issues requesting for resolution to Finance Minister, GOI
iii. If possible, copy of the forwarding letter or separate letter likely to be sent by the Member of Parliament to be sent to our Central Office also.
iv. Our letters addressed to the Member of Parliament may be translated into Hindi by the State Federation or Unit, if and where necessary
I. Pension Case – in the High Court & Hon’ble Supreme Court
It was decided in the meeting that all strategic actions will be taken by AIRRBEA while transferring our Pension Case before Karnataka & Other High Courts to the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
ii. Contact and Campaign
It was decided that all the Members of Parliament newly elected as well as members of Rajya Sabha including Hon’ble Ministers of GOI will have to be contacted personally in their own respective constituency in the service area of RRB on the main three national issues as indicated in Circular No. 51. Unit may arrange a meeting with the newly elected MP or Central ministers with wide media coverage for submission of our Representation.
iii. Meeting of Representative Members of Parliament of all political Parties to be arranged at New Delhi by AIRRBEA as suggested by Com. M. K. Pandhe, President, CITU during last Dharna at Delhi.
It was decided in the last CC meeting that four T.U. Training Camps would be arranged by different State Federations with the financial assistance from AIRRBEA. Unfortunately it was found that such T.U. camp has not taken place in any such State. It has been decided that all such training camps will have to be completed by 30th Sept, 2009 positively. G.S., North Eastern Zone proposed to hold such camp and requested for financial assistance.
Details of the subject-wise views on the recommendation of Thorat Committee and Amaresh Kumar Committee Reports as submitted by AIRRBEA in line with Service conditions/Recruitment-cum-Promotion Rules in the Banking Industries as per Bi-partite Settlement etc. have been published in the Journal of AIRRBEA. The views expressed by AIRRBEA on each item have been approved.
GOI asked for comment from NABARD which has taken care of the suggestions submitted by only one Apex Association i.e. AIRRBEA and sent their comment on both the Reports to GOI in the last week of May 2009. GOI is to take final decision after a meeting with NABARD on 12-06-09 and then Banking Division will send the final draft to Ministry of Law for legal opinion. If there is no query from Ministry of Law, the same can be Notified by GOI.
In the Transfer Policy as submitted by AIRRBEA in line with the Bipartite Settlement for Workman, it was decided that Units & AIRRBEA will further suggest that woman staff, handicapped staff and two principal office bearers of the Association should be posted at the place of their respective choice.
It has been reiterated that AIRRBEA would conduct campaign and move the authority to go by uniform national rural software. AIRRBEA will oppose outsourcing and appointment of “Business Correspondent” etc.
The Working Committee decided that next Triennial Conference of AIRRBEA would be held in the State of Rajasthan as proposed by Rajasthan State Federation on any suitable date in the month of February 2010, the Working Committee also decided to fix the delegation fee at Rs.400/- per delegate/observer including CC member.
It also decided to send the existing Constitution of AIRRBEA to all State Federations with a request to send their comments/proposed amendment etc. in consultation with the available CC members of the respective State to the Central Office , AIRRBEA by 15th July 2009. The State Federation will take care of the notes supplied by Central Office in the meeting of the Working Committee in this regard. Such note has been sent to the State Secretaries who could not attend this meeting. Such views on the proposed amendment would be reviewed by a committee with following persons and views of such committee will be placed before the Central Committee meeting for final approval with modification, if any.
Committee to consider the views of State Federations
1. President , AIRRBEA 2. G.S.,AIRRBEA
3 & 4. Both the Secretaries AIRRBEA
5. Organizing Secretary, AIRRBEA
6. Sri C. Rajivan, Vice President, AIRRBEA
It was decided that AIRRBEA will not support performance incentive for any individual but may endorse if the incentives are given branch staff as a whole. AIRRBEA will rather create pressure and encourage different staff welfare schemes in the respective RRB to be extended to all the staff members. Some examples are given below.
1) Syndicate Bank has allowed “Annual Medical Checkup” for the staff of the RRBs sponsored by them
2) Tripura Gramin Bank has already extended the benefit of “Mediclaim Insurance Policy” for all the staff subject to maximum of Rs. 50,000.00 being the difference of hospitalization cost and payment made by RRB as per norms.
3) Many RRBs have covered the lives of RRB staff by “Group Insurance”, “Accident Benefit policy” etc and covered the staff H.B. Loan, gratuity of the RRB staff through Insurance Scheme.
4) Some RRBs have allowed “Immediate relief on accident or death in cash” “Award after 25 years of Job in the RRBS” “Canteen Facility at H.O./ R.O”. “News paper to all Staff” “Mobile phone to all staff” etc.
Kashi Gomti Samyut Gramin Bank has allowed recently the following schemes
Annual Health Check-up
Award to children of officers/employees
Incentive for excellence in education for the children of the officers/employees
Reimbursement of expenses incurred for pursuing AIB/CAIIB
Relief to physically challenged employees for purchase of crutches and other accessories
Presenting memento to retiring employees on superannuation
Staff Recreation Club/Activities
Latest important information:
Appointment of Actuary
NABARD has almost finalized the Appointment of “Actuary” for calculating the financial burden in case of extending parity of pension benefit to RRB staff.
2. Negotiating Forum
NABARD is at the final stage of declaring the Negotiating Forum as advised by Govt. of India and as indicated in our earlier circular.
3. Opening of Service Centre at State Capital by each RRB/Parking of govt. fund with RRB
NABARD has sent its letter on -----------requesting all the RRBs to send their proposals for setting up Service Centre at State Capital and details of difficulties being faced by each RRB for getting govt. fund.
Units must pursue this matter with respective management so that immediate action can be taken by GOI.
Create all pressure and extend all cooperation to management for immediate creation of P.F. Trust Board to each RRB so that the P.F. benefit can be extended on the date of retirement or death
2. Exgratia Scheme in case of death
Create all pressure and extend all cooperation to management to ensure that nearest relative of each deceased personnel in the RRB must get “COMPASSIONATE APPOINTMENT” or Ex-gratia as per Govt. Circular within 3 months from the date of death. In such case the nearest relative of the deceased personnel will have the right to the Chairman of the respective RRB that he/she reserves the right to get the additional benefit, if any, as per scheme to be revised by GOI/IBA in the Banking Industry with retrospective effect.
3. Wages to Sweeper
Our Unit should ensure that each sweeper must get the minimum wages as per 9th Bipartite settlement or as per respective State “Minimum Wages Act”
Letter addressed to all Hon’ble Member of Parliament by AIRRBEA
Sub : Regional Rural Bank.
Respected Sir/ Madam
Regional Rural Banks( RRBs) popularly known as Gramin Bank, have come to stay as an inseparable part of the rural credit system, and we in the All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association represent an overwhelming majority of RRB Employees and Officers of the country. We consider ourselves as in-separable partners in the process of Rural development and reiterate our whole hearted support and active participation to all the development programmes ( around 30) initiated by the GOI and State Governments for the rural people.
2. During their functioning for over 3 decades since 1975, RRBs have done a splendid job in disbursing credit to the poorest of the rural poor at their doorstep and negotiated through poverty alleviation schemes. In the current scenario also 86 RRBs with their 15200 branches in 596 districts out of 612 districts in the country have come out at the top in the central Government’s “National Financial Inclusion Scheme” and “ National Rural Employment Generation Programme “ . Performance of RRBs in mobilizing deposits in remote areas has also transpired to be very good and in fact , RRBs have become self sustaining financial institutions running with resources generating in their own areas. Even after discharging tremendous social responsibilities. RRBs as a system have earned Annual Net Profit of Rs. 700 crores in average for the last seven years or so. Considering all these financial parameters as well as the separate attitudinal ethos of RRB staff most suited for the rural people, Dr. Rangarajan Committee appointed by GOI have tipped the RRBs as major player in the field of rural credit and financial inclusion of the rural poor.
3. In order to make the system more viable and vibrant we have proposed reorganization of RRBs under a National Rural Bank of India. With an eye to stop rapid migration of rural deposits and to ensure proper autonomy for these institutions, we have demanded total de-linking of RRBs from their masters as well as competitors in the same field. A process of sponsor Bank wise amalgamation within same state has already started and total members of RRBs have been reduced from 196 to 86. But all the inherent difficulties and lack of functional autonomy will continue till the RRBs are de- linked from the sponsor Banks. The proposed NRBI, as recommended by Parliament standing Committees on Finance twice earlier, and discussed in the Parliament through a Private Members Bill, will ensure autonomy of the Banks as well as their unity of command and unity of approach so that these system could be molded in to the major instrument for rural development in the emerging scenario, which calls for massive investment in the rural sector.
4. In order to cope with the demand the credit starve rural poor in all effective way we propose for opening of at least 3000 new Branches of RRB with at least one Branch at each Sub division and Block Head Quarters clustered around by small branches at the Gram Panchayet level. Incidental, during about last two decades RRBs have stopped recruitment while the volume of business have increased ten to fifteen times and around 3000 ( three thousand) employees retired from service. With a view to catering to the need of the rural people and ensuring utilisation rural resources mobilized from the rural areas in employment generation and productive purposes recruitment of adequate member of staff is in dispensable. A need based man power policy suited for the special needs of the rural society and providing scope of career progression for the existing staff, languishing the same post for years together must be formulated and implemented.
5. Pension and others retiral benefits are vital security needs of the staff, and RRB employees have so far been denied parity of such benefits even though they are eligible to get the same as per sponsor Bank rule in terms of an order of the National Industrial Tribunal and the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. This social need can not be denied any further.
In view of the fact enumerated in the foregoing paragraphs we request you to kindly consider the issues in the light of their social perspective and take up the same with the appropriate authorities for immediate remedial measures.
With regards.
Yours faithfully