Press Note issued by Dilip Kumar Mukherjee, General Secretary, All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association at Kolkata on 18th August at Kolkata.
In the meeting of R.R.B.s Chairman Chaired by Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Honble Finance Ministers at New Delhi on 18th August 2009 the following main issues were discussed, as learnt.
1) CRAR to the minimum extent of 7% must be attained by the RRBs.
Govt of India, sponsor bank and respective State Govt will extend capital support to the RRBs which will fail to maintain such CRAR @50%, 35% and 15% respectively as per Statute,
2) Sponsor Bank will be responsible for core banking solution implementation in their respective Sponsored RRBs.
3) All efforts must be taken to reduce NPA of some RRBs.
4) Rephrasing of loan and disbursement of Consumption loan in the draught affected area.
5) Long term loan planning for continuous irrigation by the RRBs in their respective areas.
Views of Dilip Kumar Mukherjee General Secretary All India Regional Rural Bank Employees Association, representing majority of the Officers and Employees of the RRBs : -
1) CBS should be need based, viable and feasible to be monitored by Expert Committee, with due consideration to continuous Power supply and normalcy in the law and order situation.
2) Consortium Finance by the RRB against State Govt guarantee for long term irrigation can be allowed by the RRBs.
Dilip Kumar Mukherjee